13 Consumer Culture
1. Read:
Lubin, G. (2013). There’s a staggering conspiracy behind the rise Of consumer culture. Business Insider. https://www.businessinsider.com/birth-of-consumer-culture-2013-2
2. Read:
Kilbourne, J. (2006). Jesus is a brand of jeans. New Internationalist. https://newint.org/features/2006/09/01/culture
3. Watch:
Curtis, A. (Director). (2002). The century of self [Documentary Series]. BBC. Although ONLY THE FIRST 16 ½ MINUTES are required, the whole 4-part series (link below) is fascinating, and at least the first one-hour episode (this link) is definitely worthwhile. This is a VERY deep dive into advertising, psychology, and culture.
The century of self — FULL 4 part series <–The full series (linked here) is NOT required… just here if you find it interesting.