
28 Critical Perspectives: Climate

1. Read:

Hassol, S. J. (2023, February 1). The right words are crucial to solving climate change. Scientific Americanhttps://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-right-words-are-crucial-to-solving-climate-change/

Be sure to look closely at the “Better words to explain climate science” chart. 

2. Read:

Razavi, K. (2024, September 2). Don’t ask me what I think. Ask me what I think others think. Medium. https://medium.com/the-new-climate/dont-ask-me-what-i-think-ask-me-what-i-think-others-think-c69100866cce

Please watch the first embedded YouTube video (What the news won’t tell you about climate change).

You don’t need to watch the second embedded YouTube video (Climate change: Why people aren’t taking more action to stop it?)  — we will watch and discuss that video in class. 

3. Read/Look:

Ramirez, R,, Paddison, L. (Writers) & Roegiers, B. (Director of Photography). (2023, November 30). How the climate crisis fuels gender inequality [Photo Essay]. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/11/world/climate-gender-inequality-cnnphotos-as-equals-intl-cmd/


Not Required: (helpful research article detailing unequal impacts of climate change in more depth)

Bastien-Olvera, B.A., Conte, M.N., Dong, X., Briceno, T., Batker, J., Emmerling, J., Tavoni, M., Granella, F., & Moore, F. C. (2024). Unequal climate impacts on global values of natural capital. Nature 625, 722–727 (2024). https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06769-z

Not Required: 

Carvalho, A., Russill, C., & Doyle, J. (2021). Editorial: Critical approaches to climate change and civic action. Frontiers in Communication. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/communication/articles/10.3389/fcomm.2021.711897/full



Intro to Critical Media & Cultural Studies Copyright © by Steven Schoen. All Rights Reserved.