
6 The Discourse of Images: Image Analysis

1. Read:

Jolls, T. (2008). Literacy for the 21st Century. Center for Media Literacy. The whole guide is valuable, but for our purposes YOU ONLY NEED TO READ pp 50-59 (CML’s Five Core Concepts and Key Questions) AND pp 62-63 (How to Conduct a ‘Close Analysis’ of a Media ‘Text’).

2. Rhetorical and Textual Analysis. Read:

Renegar, V. R., & Malkowski, J.A. (2009). Rhetorical and textual approaches to communication. In W. F. Eadie, (ed.), 21st century communication: A reference handbook, (pp. 49-56)

3. Denotation, Connotation Myth. Read:

Barthes, R.. Excerpts from Image-Music-Text and Mythologies. From Chandler, D. (2021). Semiotics for beginners: Denotation, connotation and myth. http://visual-memory.co.uk/daniel/Documents/S4B/




Intro to Critical Media & Cultural Studies Copyright © by Steven Schoen. All Rights Reserved.