24 Critical Perspectives on News, “Fake” News and Disinformation
1. Listen:
Vedantam, S. (Host). (2019, October 7). Screaming into the void: How outrage is hijacking our culture, and our minds [Radio broadcast episode]. Hidden Brain. (The first 16:45 minutes is required; I recommend the entire episode).
2. Read:
– OR –
Article Notes (more brief):
Notes: Misinformation and false belief
3. Read:
Klepper, D. (2024, January 31). Grave peril of digital conspiracy theories: ‘What happens when no one believes anything anymore?’ AP News. https://apnews.com/article/dangers-of-digital-conspiracy-theories-ec21024be1ed377a35fb235d9fa2af36
4. Read:
Adam, D. (2025, January 10). Does fact-checking work? What the science says. Nature.
5. Read:
Rolzhausen, Y. (2023, September 10). How to fact-check The Atlantic [Subscriber Email]
Useful Resources:
Kiely, E & Robertson, L. (2016) How to spot fake news. FactCheck.org.
Arce, D. (2024, January 3). Disinformation strategies. Defence and Peace Economics. https://doi.org/10.1080/10242694.2024.2302236