
18 Political Economy of Media

1. Read:

Usher, N. (2011). Funding public media: How the US compares to the rest of the world. Nieman Lab.

2. Read:

Tarnoff, B. (2016). The internet should be a public good. Jacobin.

3. Watch:

Jordan, G. & Shorland, A. (Producers). (2019, August 9). The Weekly Episode 9: ‘The rabbit hole.’ The New York Times. rt 25:38

New York Times access through Rollins: https://rollins.libanswers.com/faq/328567



Recommended but not required

Hermann, L. & Moreira, P. (Producers). The “modern day slaves” of the AI tech world [YouTube 52:41]. Real Stories.



Intro to Critical Media & Cultural Studies Copyright © by Steven Schoen. All Rights Reserved.